Friday, May 26, 2006

Memorial Day Weekend

Oh how I envy all of you with a 3-day weekend! Memorial Day is a busy retail day so I'm exempt from the usual festivities but will be there at the bar-b-que in spirit! I hope all of you enjoy your holiday :).

On a separate note, I just watched my co-worker eat this incredible lunch that had me drooling but I don't need a calculator to know one bite is the equivalent of an entire meal in calories alone! Forget the fat content. It was essentially the size of a small pizza, the base was pizza dough folded up along the sides so the gross amounts of butter wouldn't ooze out of it with 2 fried eggs in the center and tons of cheese. My goodness it looked so freaking good. No bites for me though LOL. Anyhow, I had to share this epitome of American eating behaviors, hahaha.


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