Thursday, May 25, 2006

Stressing Before the Stress

Why is it that we, I in particular, start stressing about upcoming stress before it occurs? Maybe it's just me, but at any rate as of next week my parents will both be flying out to Argentina to meet, or reaquaint themselves, with my brother. That translates to 18 days working straight for me and my days are long. It's really not that big of a deal, it's manageable and has an end but I have so little downtime as it is with 2 days off a week that sometimes it feels like I'm drowning.

However, I'm very happy for my father and I hope this trip is better than he expects and that he'll find satisfaction in it.

Meanwhile, I'm just waiting for something to come through in terms of work. From any source but how we want it and very, very soon. I want this year to be the year that I'm able to liberate myself.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know my situation isnt as exhausting as yours is considering youre at the store all the time, but my next 15 days of going to the store for much longer hours than im used to is throwing me into a little depression whenever I think about it.

and the weather channel said this week coming up was going to be amazingly sunny....... there goes my summer tan while I sit at work going insane watching the clock with you.

but hey, at least we have eachother and can go insane together!!!
**im trying to look at the bright side... lol**

6:09 PM  

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