Tuesday, May 09, 2006


I have really been in the mood to write lately. I just wish I didn't feel the need to censor myself so much. Quite frankly, it's a public venue and anyone can read it, and I don't like risks on any level, personal or professional. So here I am ;). Writing about nothing LOL.

Pieces in Time

Our lives are composed of pieces in time. Moments that come and go, shape and form us, in ways sometimes unknown. Our days, cherished or moaned in passing shape our views, our beliefs, our souls. The trusting nature of children is replaced by cautiousness, the precious naivete of youth is replaced by knowledge gained through the rough handling of life on our bodies and souls. What was the girl I was in my youth really like? I don't think I can truly understand her anymore. Where is the rebel that lived in me through those high school years? How did she change? Who is this woman I am proud to be? How did I become her? Who will I be 10 years from now and what events will shape me into that new being? Reinventing ourselves is a special trait to be treasured. We are capable of so many things it amazes me. In time all things change yet remain the same in many ways. I treasure this piece of time that I may mold into what I need to sustain different aspects of my current self.


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