Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Happiness for Others

To start this post I'd like to thank you Kayah for your kind words and constant reassurance! I'm happy for many people close to me. For one, I'm so glad to see the positive emotions that are radiating from my dear friend Kayah, my best friend Heather, and my wonderful sister Nyleen.

Kayah, I'm so happy to see you on a m0re upbeat note lately! You've inspired me so much that I hate when you feel down and I feel powerless to change that for you. I'm glad you're finding your happy place :).

As for my best friend, Heather, I'm so glad to finally see you with someone who treats you the way you deserve! I hope it works out wonderfully, as it has been, to be the person you want to be with and vice versa. It really trips me out that you and my sister are hitting this lucky streak at the same time lol. I think you deserve the best and more importantly you need to be aware of the fact that you are only deserving of the best!

And lastly, but definetly not least, my lovely sister has finally found someone that knows how great she is! I'm happy that you have found someone to treat you like the princess that you are! With the added bonus that I like him too :).

That's all I have time to write at the moment because my computer keeps crashing on me, but I wanted to let you wonderful people know how much joy you bring to my life :).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

:) You always know how to say something mushy... lol. I love you. and thank you Flav :) I cant figure out how to best express how happy he makes me, how loved I feel and important and special.. and I know its not just infactuation. How do I know? I have no clue, but I just do. Take my word for it.. and the fact that it is written alllll over me - you being my sister can probably see it very clearly lol.
I think he will be coming for the big shebang on Thursday night (I am excited about his bravery) lol.. and you can get to know him some more :)
Heather is on a love streak too?!?!! I want some of the juicy details! :D This is such a good holiday season... Nothing but smiles.

11:02 PM  
Blogger Flavia said...

Ya, Ya I know I'm mushy lol. If he goes on Thursday then he is a brave man lol. As for juicy details, I'll tell you when I see you today :).

11:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi there my dear. Well, such kind words. I feel very close to you. There is a heart connection in some way, maybe we were sisters in another life. I so appreciate your empathy. It is good to have a cheering section that has only your best interests at heart. We are both doing really well here. It is time for you to reveal yourself with some pictures too. Susan

11:39 AM  

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