Monday, March 13, 2006

This Weekend

Recap of my weekend. Finally finished the entertainment center (well except for details LOL), it's a pain in the butt to do! It's huge and beautiful though :). So our starting point was to put the assembled hutch (heavy as heck) on the TV unit when, due to our miscalculations, it comes tumbling down breaking...ouch that sucked. On the upside though, we fixed it! It doesn't look like it ever fell LOL. Gotta love my hubby. So that took most of the evening Saturday, but we had a great early morning because once it was done we started watching Alias curled up on the couch warm under a blanket.

I decided not to have a cooking fest and not even make a cake I really want to make because we just have too much food. We eat so little so it's hard to finish some of this food we end up having leftover. I've gotta get better at this LOL.

Sunday was a little less hectic and aside from doing things that need to be done, we got a few hours of playing time in and I got my workout in against my will haha. It's really all about will power. I love this quote from Billy Blanks: "Where I am today is where my mind put me. Where I'll be tomorrow is where my mind put me." Grammatical errors and all, I think it's very true.

Happy Monday All!


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