Friday, July 07, 2006


Sometimes people can really make you smile. Now the same action from different people incites different reactions, but there's this one special lady that comes in to our store every year or so to buy something (she's your quintessential L.A. woman complete with the cutest dog and all) that gets a positive reaction from me. Anyhow, she hasn't seen me in over a year and she was blown away, actually she thought I was a sister of mine or something but I get that a lot. It's mainly how expressive and truly sweet this woman is that makes me smile so much. She brightened my day and didn't assume I had surgery to get where I am, a definite plus in my book. Actually, she thought I didn't have surgery because of how firm my face is she tells me. At any rate, she did make me feel good and her mannerisms and gushing towards me felt very sincere and she is appreciated today ;).


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