Monday, January 02, 2006

Happy New Year!

This will be a wonderful year. I will it so and so it will be. We had a fun time at the New Year's Eve party we went to. Good food and fun entertainment. Definetly better than staying at home! And since we don't really drink we got to laugh at all the drunk ladies in the place lol. What are everyone's resolutions? Personally I didn't make any aside from reaching my goals this year. All I want are health, happiness, and wealth for my family and friends.

My husband helped me start the New Year right yesterday with a grueling workout! We did it though and it felt great to set the tone of the year that way. I finally put up some pictures of my progress yesterday and it's great to see the change. When my hubby saw it he was surprised. He said he didn't realize I had gotten that big and quite frankly, neither did I. It's funny but we only see what we want to see when we look in the mirror really. But all that is behind and I'm 6 lbs away from losing a total of 100 lbs :).

The weather today is horrific!!! I woke up this morning to the sound of wind and rain pounding on our bedroom window. Scary stuff and then to drive in it on the way to work was very scary. I'm grateful that most people have the day off today so there wasn't traffic because it was bad enough as is. At one point someone driving on the side of me hit a puddle or something on the freeway and it looked like someone dumped a pail of water on my windshield. It took every ounce of strength not to swerve and ride it out. Very scary stuff.

That's about it for now. I always think of all these things I want to write or express, but by the time I get a chance to I forget what I was going to say lol.

Happy New Year!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This new year is going to be awesome! We're both off on a very positive note that I feel will remain positive throughout the year. You will only get closer and closer to your weight loss goal. Tia Alba is coming in a month from today.

I began my new year dancing, eating, and kissing - on that note, the whole year should be a blast! haha.


10:53 PM  

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