Monday, April 03, 2006


I don't know about the rest of the planet, but I for one have come to realize that I am largely dominated by my moods. Perhaps it's that little lie inside my head, it's an outrageous lie to be sure, that being thin would make me always happy? I think on a subconscious level I always equated being thin with happy period, but that really isn't the case and I've always known that. Basically, if I have a crappy day it doesn't matter if I'm looking good while having it LOL! Bah, basically, I get fired up and today I'm at wits end. New employees are a difficulty to begin with, but truly clueless ones are something else altogether! Shoot me now please.

Anyhow, enough nonsense for the day! This week I'm going to be 100% and will post my food to keep me on track and accountable. Happy Monday all!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

sooo.... you mean.... you dont like clueless new employees??? I thought you were so fond of them like me and mom!!! wow, where have *I* been that I couldnt realize that... hmm


9:00 AM  
Blogger Flavia said...

LOL riiiiiggghhhhttt! I want you in the store training all the foolios please!

10:56 AM  

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