Monday, April 17, 2006

Venice Here We Come!

I'm super excited! I just confirmed, booked, and paid for a trip to Venice, Italy with hubby in September. We're both super excited! We plan on hitting up Florence as well and it's going to be so romantic. I can't wait! It's still very far away and I'm thinking I'll be at goal by the time we leave so it'll be a celebration on all fronts :). I want to shop in super sexy boutiques LOL. Watch your wallet dear!

We have a couple of places scoped out for lodging and once that's booked we'll be ready to go :). Time to learn Italian! It's similar enough to Spanish and I have a little book so I think I'll be quite good by the time we go. Gives us a chance to save up money too :).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm curious about how he got lost. Only if you want to share it that is. You could email.

11:17 AM  

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