Wednesday, May 03, 2006


Sometimes I'm able to read a few different people's blogs (NS people) and it always moves me and I find it very interesting how we're all so different, yet so alike. Everyone has a different story, becomes overwhelmed for different reasons, goes through emotional rollercoaster rides, make you jump up and down from joy, make you cry as you empathize, etc. I just find it incredible how much we, as human beings, endure and adapt and overcome. Of course, what may be too much to handle for me may be easy for you and vice versa.

And then I find it curious that I'll be on the phone with friends or relatives and I have nothing to say. So much happens on a daily basis, but when I get on the phone I find most of it petty, yet it wasn't petty when it was happening. I'm just a ball of contradictions aren't I?

The human psyche has always fascinated me though. I really should have studied in that field.


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