Thursday, April 20, 2006

Facing Addiction

This is a reminder for all those who are interested, and myself, that we are combating (and conquering) what I believe to be the hardest addiction: food addiction. Why is it the hardest? Because of all addictions it is the only one that you can't just give up and never pick up again. We have to eat everyday, so everyday becomes a challenge that needs a renewed resolve. Each and every day we face our addiction and try to conquer it. Any other addiction, drugs or alcohol or anything else, we can go the rest of our lives avoiding it and never picking it up again, but this doesn't hold true for food.

Simply put, the point of this post is to point out that every day we win that battle, it's an amazing feat. There will be times we don't win it and it's an emotional blow. We may feel angry or disappointed in ourselves because we "know" better, but the truth of the matter is that we are winning and it's rare we let ourselves get out of control. It's a life-long battle, no matter how thin we become it's still something we will deal with for life. The important thing is to treat ourselves well and to realize that one mistake does not signify failure.

Never, ever give up.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well said my dear and very true. I've given up smoking, mostly alcohol, men even. I can't give up food and it is a battle, every single meal or opportunity. Thank you for posting this. Susan

11:42 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

It's so true. I'm just glad I don't have to face this alone.

lots of love to you,
Ashley (Muse of Ma'at)

11:47 AM  
Blogger Flavia said...

I feel the same way Susan :).

11:48 AM  
Blogger Flavia said...

Definitely not alone Ashley!

11:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Very well said. I struggle daily....most days I win, there are those I don't.

Tina - Calif

12:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad I read this. I hadn't thought about it all this way, and you're absolutely right, that each day we don't give in is a huge victory in itself. We are winning the overall battle - the weight loss is proof of that.

Thanks for that, I just needed to hear that today and I'm glad I saw your entry. :)

4:19 PM  
Blogger Flavia said...

It is very difficult to see it that way, took me a long time to realize it truly is an addiction.

4:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just followed the link here from NS. You are AMAZING! And you look fabulous (and about twenty years younger).

I try to think of the unhealthy food, anyway, as being the same as other things you get addicted to. So when I'm dying to pick up a candy bar from the rack next to the register, I ask myself "If they had vodka in little tiny bottles in this rack would you buy one? Even though you know it's bad and unhealthy for you? How about cigarettes? It works -- somewhat.

6:31 PM  

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