Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Water with Lemon

I'm newly re-inspired and completely in love with the book Water with Lemon. Now, it doesn't contain anything I really didn't know before reading it, but this book helped change my perspective, inspire me, and truly help get rid of the "guilt" feelings of dieting and gave me a fresh perspective. I've taken off 163 lbs in the last year and a half, 7 of which I'm re-losing right now, and yet failed many times to wrap my head around the fact that my eating habits are to be forever changed. I don't know about others, but that was a very difficult lesson for me. Well, this book helped me finally wrap my head around it and realize how to look at things. It doesn't truly matter if I eat 2000 calories one day because I'm hungrier than usual or if I actually stay at 1200 calories another day. What matters is that I listen to what my body is asking for and fuel it with things that are beneficial to it until I'm no longer hungry, not stuffed. I'm finally truly getting that and this book got me there. I recommend it to anyone who wants some inspiration.

At any rate, I'm happy, I'm healthy, I'm moving my body, and the rest will take care of itself ;).