Monday, January 30, 2006

Dangerous Trend

I'm noticing a very dangerous trend...I love shopping!!! Well, I knew I had it in me but it hasn't surfaced as much as the desire has lately lol. Yesterday I went shopping for some shirts and under-garments and I enjoyed trying things on. Of course I'm not completely satisfied (if that's truly even possible) but I had more success finding things that would work. It keeps me motivated for exercising too because I know exactly where I need to focus.

My mother-in-law was over for the weekend and I had fun seeing her. She's a great lady and we took her to the mall with us and I cooked some good meals (some more successful than others). She's too polite to tell me if they suck anyways lol.

My aunt will be here in 4 days. I can't wait to see her.

Thursday, January 26, 2006


Over the last week I've continuously been floored by the thought that I now am a normal weighing person. I don't think I was less before or anything of that nature, but I feel normal now. I'm not sure what the best way to express this feeling in writing is, but it's an incredible realization and it feels liberating. I also now feel well beyond the point of no return. I am set for life as a new person and even if I were to get pregnant tomorrow I could not allow myself to eat like I used to. I hope to see my new and final body before that happens, but if it's not meant to be that way that's ok too.

Monday, January 23, 2006


Why can't everything always be great and relaxing and all the other positive qualities that days can have? I suppose if it were we'd get bored and find a way to make things difficult. Anyhow, it's been a hectic Monday but nothing that cannot be resolved.

Last night I went over to spindolphin's house to see about some clothing she was giving away in my current size and I found some really wonderful pants which is fantastic! I feel like I have a new wardrobe lol. I've been recycling about 3 pairs for a while now. She was a really great lady and I'm glad to have met her.

Only other news is that I'm really happy about how our furniture is turning out. I love the new items we got and can't wait until we're all done with it.

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Catching Up

I haven't had much of a chance to post these last couple of days (nor inclination to). The spa day with my sister was great. There were a couple of hitches but the place was beautiful and we did have a great, relaxing time. Unfortunately I still have knots in my shoulders but I can't fault the therapist for that since she tried to get rid of them. I'd go back there, I liked it.

On a second note, my husband and I went out to buy the bookcases and entertainment center that we want for the house. Only problem is it comes RTA (ready to assemble) so that will be a project! I'm looking forward to it being set up though. We are also missing the TV stand itself because it's on back order for a few more weeks, but I can wait.

I'm on one of my impatient days today. I just want to exercise my butt off and be thin :p lol. Talk about unrealistic thinking! I'm very happy with my progress, I just wish I was at goal! I'm getting there at a great pace so I can't complain too much. Pretty soon people who haven't seen me in a while will definitely not recognize me. I'm wondering what I'll do when I hit goal. I realize that part of this is really because I want a new career path. Due to family complications it wouldn't be something I can do lightly, but I know deep down it's one of the main things that have fueled this weight loss journey in the first place. I suppose we'll see when I get there.

On a bitchiness note, I have definitely realized that my ease of speaking my mind at the risk of being "bitchy" increases as my weight decreases. So I was speaking to my sister the other day and it reminded me that I was this way before too. It's all about confidence apparently.

Happy weekend to all!

Monday, January 16, 2006

Happy Monday to All

For me today is kind of blah but I hope everyone is having a happy Monday, or is that just against the rules? Are "happy" and "Monday" words that don't belong together like so many others out there? Anyways, don't know where I was headed with that one.

Message boards: Is it just me or do they all eventually get pretty dull? I am having a difficult time hanging out at the NS boards at all anymore. Mainly the problem is the fact that they haven't been working properly at all in the last 2 weeks or more or just the fact that I don't find much to talk about on there. It's not the only board it's happened with. There's also a gaming board I used to visit all the time and it just isn't interesting to me anymore. I feel bad about it to some degree, but I've lost interest, what can I say?

Slow Cooker: So I got the slow cooker on Friday and decided to take it for a spin this weekend. The first meal I decided to try was Barbequed-Beef Sandwiches which came out fantastic! So that was Saturday night's dinner (though a late dinner due to my inexperienced timing). However, the second meal was an altogether different nightmarish scene. For Sunday I had the timing down pat, early morning the stuff goes in and it's done just in time for dinner. However, it's clearly my own fault that I didn't think too much about how the result would end up given all the indications..lots of soup, rice cooking for 8 hours, etc. Anyhow, this is what I chose to make: Parmesan Chicken I. There is a reason why there's no picture on that link. It's because you'd never make it if you saw the way this mush ends up looking. It was edible all in all. I omitted the butter and it was still kind of high on the calorie side for my taste, but it was worth the experience. All in all, my conclusion is that beef is the best meat for the crock pot. The reason is that chicken doesn't generally hold up so well after so many hours of cooking, but beef only gets better versus overcooked. I'll keep experimenting anyhow. I want to try the Thai Chicken next when I can be at home to keep an eye on it. For when I leave it on during the day while I'm at work I'll stick to stews for now.

Friday, January 13, 2006


It never fails that by Friday I'm practically dreaming of the weekend off. This doesn't actually mean I'll have a lot of time on my hands because there's always your usual errands to run and we need to take down the Christmas tree and house lights, laundry, grocery shopping, etc. I do enjoy it though, just the change of pace. I need to make sure I put away to donate another box of clothing, I'm shrinking out of things so fast! I love that ;).

Not that it's exciting or anything, but I got a Crock Pot for the first time in my life and I am looking forward to breaking it in this weekend and see what it can do for me. I love appliances that facilitate our lives. Definitely an ideal thing if dinner is ready when you get home (and a good thing if it doesn't have to be NS dinner). Speaking of which, if I don't eat more NS dinners I'll have enough to feed an army. My goodness, will have to ebay some of this stuff really soon. I easily have like 60 dinners. I like the stuff I have, I just like the food I make more hehe.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Nothing Much

Felt like writing today although there's not much to report. I'm feeling really good lately and working out hard. I'm 1 lb away from having lost 100 lbs! Woohoo! I'm doing a little early celebration lol. The greatest thing about it is that I can now shop for clothes in places other than Lane Bryant! Geez, I haven't been this size since high school.

On a celebratory note, my sister and I are having a spa day in 2 weeks and we're very excited! I've been wanting to get a good massage and facial for months now so I'm looking forward to it.

Friday, January 06, 2006

Harder or Harder

Does anyone else have an easy time starting things but a more difficult time once things are in full swing? I'm either being harder on myself or it's getting harder to do as well or a combination of both. It's not the first time that I start to lose weight and once I'm getting real results it's harder for me to push at it and continue to the end. However, it is the first time that I'm determined to push through regardless and I know I'll make it. I just don't understand why it's so easy for me to start things and get going on them and once they should be habits it gets hard. I mean, come on, it's been 6 months that I've changed my eating and exercise habits so why should it be so hard to get up and exercise now? Or why should my cravings be more now? Granted the cravings are different now because I don't crave bad foods so much as higher calories than where I should be at, but still it's driving me nuts.

The Joys of Waxing

While to most the words joy and waxing don't belong in the same sentence, I'd have to disagree. First of all I don't find it that painful, and yes I do wax everywhere. Secondly though, it's an incredibly sexy feeling to be rid of unwanted hair! Very liberating and just feels so good against your clothes too. Maybe I'm just strange, but I definitely love it! I'm sure my husband doesn't mind either ;).

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Lucky Woman

I realize (over and over in my life) that I'm a very lucky woman. My husband always makes my day with little things. After 9 years he's just as thoughtful as he's always been and he takes care of me the same. Now, don't get me wrong, he's not a perfect man, but the good always outweighs the bad and I love him to pieces.

Tonight we went out to sushi. I was really craving it so he was up to going so I could have my fill. I was a very happy woman! I can't get enough of the stuff and it's been a couple of weeks since we've gone. Luckily we were able to finish up early too so I'll still be able to get my workout in as well. Best of both worlds!

Other exciting news for me is that my aunt in Argentina will be here Feb. 2nd and I'm very excited to see her. She is my favorite aunt though I love all my aunts. I've missed her alot.

Monday, January 02, 2006

Happy New Year!

This will be a wonderful year. I will it so and so it will be. We had a fun time at the New Year's Eve party we went to. Good food and fun entertainment. Definetly better than staying at home! And since we don't really drink we got to laugh at all the drunk ladies in the place lol. What are everyone's resolutions? Personally I didn't make any aside from reaching my goals this year. All I want are health, happiness, and wealth for my family and friends.

My husband helped me start the New Year right yesterday with a grueling workout! We did it though and it felt great to set the tone of the year that way. I finally put up some pictures of my progress yesterday and it's great to see the change. When my hubby saw it he was surprised. He said he didn't realize I had gotten that big and quite frankly, neither did I. It's funny but we only see what we want to see when we look in the mirror really. But all that is behind and I'm 6 lbs away from losing a total of 100 lbs :).

The weather today is horrific!!! I woke up this morning to the sound of wind and rain pounding on our bedroom window. Scary stuff and then to drive in it on the way to work was very scary. I'm grateful that most people have the day off today so there wasn't traffic because it was bad enough as is. At one point someone driving on the side of me hit a puddle or something on the freeway and it looked like someone dumped a pail of water on my windshield. It took every ounce of strength not to swerve and ride it out. Very scary stuff.

That's about it for now. I always think of all these things I want to write or express, but by the time I get a chance to I forget what I was going to say lol.

Happy New Year!!